Becoming Guardians of Our Blue Planet: A Lesson in Water Wisdom (Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka)

 Becoming Guardians of Our Blue Planet: A Lesson in Water Wisdom



In the bustling world we live in, it's easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget about the impact of our actions on the environment. The "Love Our World" curriculum, specifically designed for eighth-grade students in English for Nusantara, brings to light the importance of water conservation. Through engaging activities and thought-provoking dialogues, students are encouraged to become stewards of the environment, starting with simple observations in their surroundings.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang penuh kesibukan, mudah bagi kita untuk terjebak dalam rutinitas harian dan melupakan dampak dari tindakan kita terhadap lingkungan. Kurikulum "Love Our World," yang dirancang khusus untuk siswa kelas delapan dalam English for Nusantara, membawa ke permukaan pentingnya konservasi air. Melalui kegiatan yang menarik dan dialog yang merangsang pemikiran, siswa diharapkan menjadi pelindung lingkungan, dimulai dengan observasi sederhana di sekitar mereka.


Section 1: Say What You Know

The journey begins with a practical scenario: dirty hands, a used plastic bag, a running faucet, and daylight. This exercise encourages students to pay attention to their surroundings and sparks an initial awareness of their actions and their potential impact on the environment.

Perjalanan dimulai dengan skenario praktis: tangan kotor, kantong plastik bekas, kran yang mengalir, dan cahaya siang. Latihan ini mendorong siswa untuk memperhatikan sekitar mereka dan memunculkan kesadaran awal tentang tindakan mereka dan dampak potensialnya terhadap lingkungan.


Section 2: Listening

Vocabulary related to waste, the environment, and containers is introduced through a conversation between two characters, Andre and Monita. The focus shifts to the issue of plastic waste, urging students to consider their role in reducing environmental harm.

Kosakata terkait limbah, lingkungan, dan wadah diperkenalkan melalui percakapan antara dua karakter, Andre dan Monita. Fokus beralih ke isu sampah plastik, mendorong siswa untuk mempertimbangkan peran mereka dalam mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan.


Section 3: Listening

Practicality takes center stage with a detailed look at proper handwashing techniques. The emphasis on clean water usage and the correct handwashing method establishes a connection between personal hygiene and broader environmental concerns.

Praktikalitas menjadi pusat perhatian dengan pandangan rinci tentang teknik mencuci tangan yang benar. Penekanan pada penggunaan air bersih dan metode mencuci tangan yang benar membentuk hubungan antara kebersihan pribadi dan tanggung jawab lingkungan yang lebih luas.


Section 4: Language Focus

Unit 1 guides students through the art of delivering effective presentations. From introducing themselves to concluding their speeches, students learn the nuances of public speaking, empowering them to share information effectively.

Unit 1 memandu siswa melalui seni menyampaikan presentasi yang efektif. Mulai dari memperkenalkan diri hingga mengakhiri pidato mereka, siswa belajar nuansa berbicara di depan umum, memberi mereka kemampuan untuk berbagi informasi dengan efektif.

Section 5: Your Turn: Listening

Students engage in a hands-on activity where they practice expressions and dialogue related to proper handwashing. This interactive session enhances their listening skills and reinforces the critical link between personal habits and environmental responsibility.

Siswa terlibat dalam kegiatan interaktif di mana mereka berlatih ekspresi dan dialog terkait mencuci tangan yang benar. Sesesi interaktif ini meningkatkan keterampilan mendengarkan mereka dan memperkuat hubungan kritis antara kebiasaan pribadi dan tanggung jawab lingkungan.


Section 6: Fun Time: What do you think?

A game-based activity encourages students to express their opinions on various environmental scenarios. By discussing whether each situation is environmentally friendly or not, students cultivate critical thinking skills and collaborative problem-solving.

Kegiatan berbasis permainan mendorong siswa untuk menyatakan pendapat mereka tentang berbagai skenario lingkungan. Dengan mendiskusikan apakah setiap situasi ramah lingkungan atau tidak, siswa mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah kolaboratif.


Section 7: Your Turn

This section provides a platform for students to apply their knowledge by choosing a water-related activity, planning a water-saving procedure, and presenting it to the class. The practical application of theoretical knowledge fosters creativity, public speaking skills, and a deeper understanding of water conservation.

Bagian ini memberikan wadah bagi siswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan mereka dengan memilih aktivitas terkait air, merencanakan prosedur penghematan air, dan menyajikannya kepada kelas. Penerapan praktis pengetahuan teoritis ini merangsang kreativitas, keterampilan berbicara di depan umum, dan pemahaman mendalam tentang konservasi air.


Section 8: Enrichment

The curriculum concludes with a call to action, prompting students to observe water usage in their surroundings. This reflection encourages critical thinking and sets the foundation for a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

Kurikulum diakhiri dengan seruan aksi, mendorong siswa untuk mengamati penggunaan air di sekitar mereka. Refleksi ini mendorong berpikir kritis dan menetapkan dasar untuk komitmen seumur hidup terhadap perlindungan lingkungan.


"Look Around You" berfungsi sebagai panduan holistik, bertujuan untuk menanamkan kesadaran dan tanggung jawab lingkungan di kalangan siswa kelas delapan. Dengan menggabungkan pengetahuan teoritis dengan kegiatan praktis, kurikulum memberdayakan siswa untuk membuat pilihan yang terinformasi yang berkontribusi pada planet yang berkelanjutan dan sehat. Melalui pelajaran ini, siswa muncul bukan hanya sebagai pelajar tetapi sebagai pelindung planet biru kita.

1. Environment (Lingkungan)

   - Definition: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

2. Conservation (Konservasi)

   - Definition: The act of protecting and preserving natural resources and the environment.

3. Waste (Sampah)

   - Definition: Unwanted or unusable materials, often discarded after use.

4. Plastic Waste (Sampah Plastik)

   - Definition: Discarded plastic materials, such as bottles, bags, and packaging.

5. Hygiene (Kebersihan)

   - Definition: Conditions or practices that promote and preserve health, especially regarding cleanliness.

6. Sanitation (Sanitasi)

   - Definition: Conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean water and the disposal of sewage.

7. Handwashing (Mencuci Tangan)

   - Definition: The act of cleaning one's hands, typically with soap and water, to prevent the spread of germs.

8. Faucet (Kran)

   - Definition: A device controlling the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe.

9. Running Water (Air yang Mengalir)

   - Definition: Water flowing from a tap or faucet, usually from a plumbing system.

10. Trash Can (Tempat Sampah)

    - Definition: A container for holding discarded waste materials.

11. Reduce (Mengurangi)

    - Definition: To make something smaller or use less, especially to minimize waste.

12. Container (Tempat Makan)

    - Definition: An object used for holding or transporting something.

13. Full (Penuh)

    - Definition: Containing as much as possible; not lacking anything.

14. Health (Kesehatan)

    - Definition: The state of being free from illness or injury; overall well-being.

15. Pandemic (Pandemi)

    - Definition: A global outbreak of a disease that affects people over a wide geographical area.

16. Critical Thinking (Berpikir Kritis)

    - Definition: The ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively, especially when solving problems.

17. Stewardship (Tanggung Jawab)

    - Definition: The responsible management and care of resources, such as the environment.

18. Awareness (Kesadaran)

    - Definition: Consciousness or knowledge of a particular fact or situation.

19. Public Speaking (Berbicara di Depan Umum)

    - Definition: The act of addressing a large audience or group, typically through verbal communication.

20. Sustainable (Berkelanjutan)

    - Definition: Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment.

21. Lifelong (Seumur Hidup)

    - Definition: Throughout the entire duration of one's life.

22. Guardian (Pelindung)

    - Definition: A person or thing that protects or defends something.

23. Blue Planet (Bumi Biru)

    - Definition: A poetic term often used to describe Earth due to its predominantly blue appearance from space.


Becoming Guardians of Our Blue Planet: A Lesson in Water Wisdom (Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka) Becoming Guardians of Our Blue Planet: A Lesson in Water Wisdom (Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka) Reviewed by BuSet on Januari 13, 2024 Rating: 5

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